About us
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. Please know that we value your time and we look forward to sharing with you. Our website is easy to navigate and it will tell you who we are, what we believe, where you can find us and how you can contact us. The transcending truth, that a person’s experience of salvation through Jesus Christ is the most vital and important experience in life, is pervasive throughout our website.
We pray that you will join us and experience the corporate worship of our Lord Jesus at
One Accord Fellowship.
our pastor
Sam Medina

Sam serves as Pastor of One Accord Fellowship. Prior to answering the call to full time ministry, Sam was an attorney in his own law firm and later served as a State District Judge for the 237th Judicial District of Texas. He also served as the City Attorney for the City of Lubbock. Sam has been involved in numerous boards and committees on a local, state and national basis.
Throughout his secular career Sam has always been involved with the church as a bi-vocational pastor and church leader. He believes that servant leadership is the best way to lead. Sam believes that the foundation of the Church and its center never change. The Church is founded and centered in Christ Jesus. However, the landscape of the Church is constantly changing with each generation being different than those that preceded it. He is excited about the future of One Accord in that the church seeks to be relevant to the community, the city and beyond. He believes that we come to church to worship and we leave the church gatherings to serve. At the forefront of service is The Great Commission from Christ. We are to reach others for Christ and disciple them so that they can do the same. All should be done to the glory of the Lord.
Our Team
The secret of an amazing team is to have people who believe in the same goal, maintain harmony and focus on the Lord. Pictured are the staff, but we don't have enough room to acknowledge all the support, and volunteers who together make this ministry possible.